ผู้ติดตาม 83 คน


Streaming and going bald


Hi! I'm Jeremy, I'm 23 and I'm a KurwaBoy. I've recently parted ways with my University. I've decided to stream because why the hell not, it seems fun and because of my superior brain power of IQ over 140. (First stream 29.10.17)


> superfastjerryfish@gmail.com Fell free to join and follow these to keep up with the latest info on what's happening. > * [Discord](https://discord.gg/3d59zHF) > * [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ThatJerryFish) It's basically dead > * [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaky-gpE2PoEUW_rdOQq5oQ?view_as=subscriber) It's dead as wellPepeHands


Currently my schedule is all over the place, usually evening EU hours. I will be giving a heads up on Twitter (Or not 4head) before going live, so if you want to stay in touch you can follow me there.


gachiBASS PepeHands Clap PepoDance peepoS 1 point for 5 minutes - !points !duel [username] Heist - !join [amount] !gamble [amount] !songrequest is on, but for the love of god be kind to me


TTS is on btw You can donate by clicking this link > [https://streamlabs.com/jerry_fish](https://streamlabs.com/jerry_fish) Necessary Disclaimer: You are not paying for a service/product. This is a donation. Donations are non-refundable. When donating you are certifying that you own the funds and acknowledge that all donations are non-refundable I like money