Záhlaví kanálu jesque19

136 sledujících


Josh. Husband and Father of 2. 29. Former Army National Guard. RN come Jan. 2020. Fitness Streamer. Fortnite/COD Streamer. Workouts streamed M,W,F. Fortnite after Dark.

Upcoming Streaming Events

-Arnold Classic: March 8th, 2020 -Festivus Games Competition: April 18th, 2020

About Me

Im Josh. 29 year old father of two awesome kids. I am a Fitness/Fortnite Streamer, occasionally playing different games. I served in the Army National Guard for 6 years, and I graduate with my RN degree in Jan. 2020. I focus a lot on strength and conditioning, and trying to become the best version of myself as possible. I will always do my best to answer questions and provide my honest opinion on subjects, however I am not a professional. Thanks for visiting my channel and I hope you consider Joining My Squad.
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Lets make some gainzz.. Be Respectful...Pretty Simple