jetkaizer 的个人资料横幅

481 位关注者


JetKaizer 直播 Dead Space。


We run a chill operation here, so I'm gonna keep the ruleset pretty brief and simple. - Be excellent to each other - Abusive and/or racist comments result in an instant ban - Posting links requires approval of Jet or a Moderator - Keep the trash talk and backseat gaming to a minimum unless help is being asked for - Make new followers and subscribers feel welcome! - Chill, enjoy the stream, and chat! Altogether? HAVE FUN!

About Me

Well, you truly want to know more about Jet, eh? Unfortunately, there's not a lot to me. I'm a 20something year old guy with (currently unknown) disabilities who also functions as a stay at home father for his two daughters while their mother is at work. Also two cats, with a dog coming soon? Gaming, cosplay, anime, TCGs, I'm passionate about all of these things! More than likely expect them to be raised up in conversation.


A solid schedule is currently being hammered out! Expect it up (and being adhered to) in the near future!

Kai's Child Support Foundation For Weaboo Fathers

All donations will go to improving the stream! Better equipment, new games, and new systems to stream! (Donation title was submitted by a viewer!)


If for one reason or another you need to contact me, there's a couple ways to do it! You can click that Twitter button and either tag or DM me, you can whisper me here, join our Discord channel, or if it's something that requires it, you can reach me by email at

Specs & Equipment

- Intel Core i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB - Elgato HD60 Capture Card