jibblysocks 프로필 배너

팔로워 618명


Life is like a box of chocolate socks; No matter how hard it gets, there are still some spots that taste good. Yo! My name is JibblySocks and you're watching jacka- I mean twitch! Stay tuned for some crazy good times :D I'm an 18 year old Floridian, nuff said.

Donate to JibblySocks to support his Sock Collection

패널 콘텐츠
Please note that you 100% DO NOT have to donate. But, if you are willing to spend some cash then I'd like you to know that any and all donations are greatly appreciated! All donations go towards making the stream 80085 times better :D

Some Things only a stalker should know ;) :

Age - 20 (7/7/98) Name: Michael I'm in college Social Security Number: I forgot :D Started Streaming on July 10th of 2015 :)


패널 콘텐츠
I use Twitter to update all you socks on when I'll be streaming :D