Баннер профиля для jimjamborino

572 фолловера


Cherished Musician, Gamer, friend, and therapist. All are welcome to unwind here.

Содержимое панели
GLHF is a promise to... 1 Be a good sport whether I win or lose 2 Know that people online are real people and my words have real impact 3 Set a positive example with my behavior 4 Speak up against discrimination, hate speech, harassment, and abuse 5 Show integrity by honoring the rules, my opponents, and my teammates 6 Stop, listen, and reassess if I’m told that my words or actions are harmful 7 Respect others, even if their sincere opinions are different from my own Consider taking the pledge today and get your own Badge here on Twitch! https://anykey.org/glhf?ref=E0PKXAON/
Содержимое панели
Vods / Laughs/ Memories. Now on YouTube.
Содержимое панели
While Donations are never expected, they're always appreciated and help support my family and for that, I am 100% grateful and humbled. Thank you for loving and supporting me.
Содержимое панели
Содержимое панели