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Hi there, I play ADC at a challenger + competitive level. I grew up in Australia and have been living in Europe the past two years playing for various teams. I hope to be able to teach you something about the game that i enjoy so thoroughly.

Q: How old are you? A: Born 2000 Q: Nationality? A: Australian + Irish. Currently living in EU Q: Favourite professional ADC? A: Ruler / Jackeylove Q: Previous teams? Mad lions academy 2022 split 2 Gamer legion 🏆 2022 split 1 Unicorns of love 2021 split 2 ORDER 2018->2020 Q: Sens? A: 1400 DPI, 50 ingame and 6bar on Windows. NO MOUSE ACCELERATION 🤣 Q: Peripherals A: Logitech gpro light mouse, random keyboard, Logitech gpro headset

Elo Gallery

EUW: 1186lp challenger rank 18 KR: 660lp grandmaster OCE: 1097lp challenger rank 2 1x Prime league championship +final MVP
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