Profile banner for jirokwima


指鹿為馬 (jirokwima)

ESDF (1998–). JKL; (2012–). UIOLP; (2012–).

Streamer Interaction

I keep an eye on chat. Mostly. I chat back. Eventually.


- left-handed keyboard layouts - not-in-a-long-time stream schedule - playing games that are [older than I am]( with the help of a text editor that’s probably [older than you are]( - grinding the “Super Go Outside” achievement on The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe


- 2.1k MMR - Overwatch Season 1 rank 39 - hardcore seasonal Demon Hunter - grinding the “Go Outside” achievement on The Stanley Parable


- some Mac running macOS, [which does not have own-audio as a builtin audio source]( - HP z27n, rotated 90° (not shown) - [Ergodox EZ]( - Razer Viper 8KHz - Wacom Bamboo (ret.) - StealthSwitch 3

Suitable Music

Since I’m not streaming any audio, you’ll have to supply your own if you want any. Suggestions: - [Robert Rich’s music]( - [Into the Breach Soundtrack]( - [West of Loathing Soundtrack]( - [Reflection by Brian Eno](

Chat Rules

You know how SingSing’s stream is? Don’t be how SingSing’s stream is.