joeypals 的个人资料横幅

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Hey everyone, Joeypals here! I like to think I'm a pretty fly guy, we do Persona, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, and more so if any of that interests you, swing on by~ I also make YouTube vids, check em out:

About Me

Hi everyone, my name is Joeypals! I've been doing Pokemon stuff since 2006, and now I'm doing YouTube and Twitch, sorta-kinda aha. I'll be streaming every once in a while, so if you enjoy yourself please slap a like on it~ This tab specifically links to my YouTube, something I'm going to be far more active on so please give that a look~


Don't need to donate of course, but it is very highly appreciated. All proceeds will either go towards equipment for my YT channel or streams, OR towards helping me survive <3

The Rules

So, here's some rules for this Twitch. I hope we can comply! 1. Here on this channel, we like to keep things fluffy and light. Sure we engage in dark humor now and again, but never do we go into very dark humor such as hurting yourself or anyone else! In the chat, keep things realistic but on the whole upbeat. Helps the streamer with energy and keeps the vibes flowin too. Oh, and don't send every message directly to Joey. There's other people in chat too, bond and interact! Joey reads everything he can anyway. 2. Spamming is annoying. You think so, we all think so. Please don't do it. Repeating messages and walls of emotes should be reserved for raids. 3. The identity of an individual is both theirs to share and yours to respect. Racial slurs and sexuality questions are not permitted here, as the former is very disruptive and against Twitch TOS while the latter, in Joey's words, just isn't something that matters at the end of the day. 4. This channel is Joeypals' not streamer ___. Talking about your interests is fine, shamelessly plugging yourself or someone else isn't. If the situation calls for it, Joey will use his discretion to allow you to promote yourself or someone else, but please ask first. 5. Links are dirty, icky things. Only mods should want or need to post them. If you have a relevant link, whisper it to a mod and don't just post it yourself. There is a whitelist of common sites such as YouTube, Wikipedia, Twitter, Bulbapedia, and Serebii, but please consult a mod first. 6. Ever had an experience spoiled for you? It sucks right? Please respect that many times the streamer may be playing a game for the first time that you've beaten. Try not to give unsolicited advice or backseat game. No one likes a spoilsport. Joey likes to spend his streams exploring games from a lot of different series, such as Pokemon, Fire Emblem, and anything under the sun. A good 50% of the time, he's playing a game he hasn't before. While tips, such as how to unlock things that aren't apparent (like Gaiden chapters in FE), are appreciated when appropriate to the current game situation (basically when he asks), telling Joey how to play the game is not. 7. Joey didn't think this had to be said, but after recent events (this rule was added 10/26/19), Joey needs to make this clear -- no politics. Politics are heavily divisive and Joey's not CNN, Joey's not FOX, Joey's not Politico, Joey's just a guy that plays weeb games. Religion /is/ fine within context, like if talking about the origin of a Persona. Don't go too far into it though. Breaking either will be a timeout, please don't make us do it. 8. If you have questions, ask! Just don't expect the streamer to be able to answer them all. The mods will be happy to help out if they can, too! We're here for a reason!


1) Why is your name "Joeypals"? A) Well, when I was about 10, I was playing Mystery Dungeon for the first time and I had no idea what to name my damn team. Being the vain little shit I was, I renamed the basic name "Pokepals" to "Joeypals". The name has basically stuck with me since and rebranding is impossible considering I've had this name for over a decade on the internet so heyyyy lol 2) How old are you? A) My birthday is March 19th 1996, you can do the math for when you're reading this lol 3) What's your favorite ____? A) Game? It's tough but Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, with Kid Icarus Uprising, Pokemon Platinum, Persona 5 Royal, and Fire Emblem Awakening rounding out the top 5. Movie? La La Land and Big Hero 6 I guess I don't watch a lot of movies. Music artist? Christina Aguilera. Pokemon? Azelf. Persona character? Ryuji in P5, Teddie in P4, Akihiko in P3, Baofu in P2EP, Tatsuya in P2IS, and Reiji in P1. 4) What sexuality are you? A) So, in the past this section was "OMG ARE YOU GAY" and I want to edit that language quite a bit. So, to answer the question what I do identify as is gay but I do want to note this much. My personal belief on sexuality is that it's a very fluid thing, and none of us are 100% straight or gay. We'll always have some form of attraction to people of the two "primary genders" if you will (male/female, ofc this also extends to nonbinary and beyond just easier to explain with a binary system), whether it be idol worship, someone you see as a role model, a really close friend, so on. So yeah, there ya go that's my philosophy :) 5) Why is your Ultra Sun in French? A) I took 4 years of French in high school and I wanted to polish up on the language. Given the story is nearly identical it actually helped out pretty nicely. Also it makes for some really easy Masuda Method breeding in the future, plus the fun names. Bulbasaur is BULBIZARRE and Cutiefly is BOMBYDOU. Try to deny that that's cute I DARE you.