1,3 E követő


Zene közvetítése 21 néző nézőnek

Swedish, started playing guitar in 2005, currently trying to find my voice with singing. If you feel like writing in chat, please keep it in either swedish or english so I can communicate with you =) Will happily give anything a shot, but keep in mind I will struggle with the crazy stuff


1: Be kind to each other. Banter is fine and encouraged, being a dick is not. 2: We do not allow or tolerate homophobia, transphobia, racism etc. 3: DO NOT complain about other peoples requests. 4: Please read the panel about request rules. 5: Not abiding by the rules will result in a warning. After that, a timeout and finally, a ban. So please respect the rules. If the mods tell you something, listen to them.


Queue is usually open for 2 hours, after which it is closed for further requests. Requests already in queue will still be played after it is closed. **1:** If you want to request a song, please search for it [here](https://rsplaylist.com/search) first to make sure it exists in the game. When you find a song you want to hear, use !sr and the copied request command that page gives you or the songs title and artist! For example, !sr 60221 or !sr Iron Maiden - Wasted Years . If you have VIP-tokens (gained by donating, subscribing or cheering) you can use !viprequest which sends your request to the top of the queue. **2:** If your very first message is a request and you don't even say 'hi' afterwards, your request may be skipped. **3:** If you're unsure what to request, I do have a soft spot for Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Testament, Metallica and similar metal but I also enjoy stuff like John Mayer and The Midnight. **4:** Limit on a songs length is 8 minutes, unless you use a VIP-token which increases limit to 16 minutes. EXCEPT for Saturdays, when the limit for normal requests is raised to 20 minutes. For songs above 16 minutes on non-Saturday streams, a donation of 1 euro for every minute is required. So, for a 20 minute song you'll need to donate 4 euros. Please ask before requesting a long song to make sure there's time and energy for it. **5:** If you are requesting a song for the first time in my channel, please let me know and I will bump it to a higher spot in the queue. **6:** To see the full list of songs currently in the queue, go [here:](https://rsplaylist.com/playlist/JohanPlaysGuitar/) **7:** Bands that are greylisted (Currently: Tool) are availible to request as a 10 000-point redeem only. **8:** I reserve the right to deny requests or give special privileges to friends & special guests.


Panel tartalma
Donations are never expected, always thankfully welcomed! Any donations will go into improving the stream, be it tech stuff, guitar stuff or DLC songs. Please remember that donations are not refundable so think carefully before you hit 'tip'. Om du hellre donerar via swish kan du göra det [här:](https://hihat.io/johanplaysguitar) Top donors (thank you guys <3 ) : 1: Fettkatt 2: Radio_Hatice 3: Hallamine

VIP-token rewards

Want to use your VIP-tokens for more than a song bump? To check how many tokens you have, please use the command !vip Current rewards & cost: Wig rest of stream: 5 tokens Make a future stream themed (genre, country etc): 12 tokens Full album redeem: 20 tokens Make a future stream themed to one band: 25 tokens Full progalbum redeem: 30 tokens


#Guitars **LTD MH-1000NT** with Bare Knuckle Black Hawk pickups **LTD AW-7** **ESP M-II** with Bare Knuckle Juggernaut pickups **ESP Eclipse** with EMG Het Set **ESP Horizon NT** **LTD DV8** with Bare Knuckle Aftermath in the bridge **PRS SE Mark Holcomb** **Ibanez SRMS805** bass #Streaming **Logitech C920** **Logitech Brio** **Volt 276** interface **Shure SE215** earphones **Shure SM58** microphone **OBS Studio** #Creative streams **Reaper** DAW **Neural DSP** plug-ins for guitar (Mainly Archetype Gojira) **GGD Modern & Massive** drum plug-in

Official DLC

Some songs are made by Ubisoft and paywalled as DLC. If you're set on requesting a song that's DLC-only, you can gift the song to me on Steam. Here's my Steam friend code: 66374725