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Hi, I'm John and I make games! I use open source tools like Godot Engine and my Ubuntu Linux desktop. I'm a professional developer and I make mistakes. I play guitar and sing. Buy my game Gravity Ace on Steam or Itch! I'm also working on Dome Keeper by BippinBits!


Programming is hard. Arting is hard. Game development is hard. That's why I'm as transparent about game development as I can be. I want to show everyone the struggle, all the highs and lows, all the fun and all the tedium that goes into it. # Why Godot? Godot is great! It does everything I could want, works great for 2D, it's lightweight, there's no compiling so the iteration cycle is extremely fast, and the community is great! # Support I really appreciate when people share my game and content with other communities. Doing that is FREE and it's AMAZING! Buying my games is also wonderful! Finally, subscribing is awesome! Once in a while I get a check from Twitch and I like to use those to take my wife out to dinner. Ask me anything. My games aren't open source but I'm happy to show you the code, talk about design decisions, give art tips, or anything else you'd like to know. I'm an open book. # Discord Have a question? Want to see some code? Want to follow development more closely? [Join the John Makes Games Discord]( # Hire me DM me if you need help with your Godot project
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