Profile banner for jrod0991



Texas Tech Red Raider for life! PSN: Jrod0991 Xbox Live: Falcon09

Panel Content
My name is Josh, but a lot of people call me Jrod. I'm currently working for a General Contracting company as a Senior Project Engineer. I'm a casual gamer and enjoy playing a variety of games. Right now I'm not streaming as much, but I am trying to workout a schedule that allows me to put some time in. So as of now, they will be random streams. Follow me on twitter or join my discord to find out when I do go live. At the moment, you'll probably catch me streaming one of the following games: + Ghost Recon Breakpoint + State of Decay 2 + Apex + Division 2 + Rainbow Six Extraction + Dying Light 2 That is not to say I won't play a different game. If there is a game you recommend, definitely let me know and I'll check it out! I have both an Xbox Series X and a PS5. There may be times I'll be willing to play with viewers so just go ahead and ask me!
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Subs are super appreciated, but are not required to show your support! You being here is enough for me. Sub Perks: + Priority gaming with me whenever I open up lobbies + Use of the lovely emotes + My appreciation + Sub badges by your lovely name! Thanks to [RivalFox]( for creating my panel headers! Shoutout to xxMiniMoon for creating these lovely sub emotes, profile banner, and sub badges for me! I hope you enjoy them and if you ever need a talented artist, definitely look at her work! [xxMiniMoon](
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You can join the discord and use the lovely emotes in other discords as well!