Profile banner for jsincm21



Hi, I’m Jason and welcome to the channel! I'm just avg guy who loves all things gaming! I try my best to have a chill stream with some fun games and occasionally some tunes along with it.

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I'm just your average everyday lifelong gamer! I'm attempting to pursue Twitch as an absolute labor of love. Many of my viewers have described me as "...the goodwill ambassador of gaming...". I'm learning more technical stuff and growing the stream everyday!
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My job consumes most of my time, but I strive to be as consistent as I can. Main stream days are Sunday through Wednesdays, starting at 10pm EST. Days when I have off from work, I usually stream twice, once earlier in the day and again later at the normalish time, if not before!
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There really aren't too many, but here's a few: - Mainly, don't be a butt-head! - Please no hate of any kind (i.e. Racism, Ableism Transphobia Homophobia) - No smack-talking other content creators REGARDLESS of how you or I may or may not feel about them. It will absolutely not be tolerated! - Avoid spoilers if I haven't asked. - Finally...just be groovy! :) <3
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If you desire to support this channel, you can do so securely through Paypal, by clicking the above header. It is not necessary, but will go to no nefarious means, only to support and grow the channel with content and betterment of equipment! No refunds issued, so PLEASE, be sure when you click the button :D
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Right now it's mainly PC and occasional Xbox and Playstation streams. Once I snag a sweet capture card, we will add the Switch and more into the shuffle!
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YouTube is quite rough at this time. It's mostly been for VoDs and some highlights. Nothing high quality yet, though. Stay far away