

JSmith. On the Internet!

I'm on Youtube!

Sometimes I do things that I don't stream! Find those (and other streaming VODS) over there! Support me and I'll love you. That's the deal.

I'm a Twittererer!

All of the world's best thoughts in 140 characters or less!

Chat rules!

Official chat rules: No spam (includes linking to your own Twitch/YouTube pages without expressed permission). No linking to content containing nudity, hate speech, or otherwise unreasonably offensive elements. Be respectful of myself and my streaming partners. Please don't spam the chat to add people to the call. Love is encouraged. Use otiHorse instead of Kappa Have fun!

Twitch Donations (Pizza Fund)

Ever wanted to donate? Now you can! I am grateful for every donation I get from all of you. You all are awesome and this is totally, completely optional.