Profile banner for jstlucky



JstLucKy is an avid gamer. Mostly play FPS games but can play pretty much anything. No schedule yet because of work. Check out CLIPS to see what kind of content you can expect.

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**Avoid Drama** Discussions are fine, but if you want to argue take it to a DM. If someone says something you don't like, feel free to use the ignore function. **Follow Twitch Tos/Code of Conduct** This channel has a zero tolerance policy regarding Twitch Tos / CoC violations. It is your responsibility to know and follow these guidelines. **Links** Do not post links not directly relevant to the stream, game, or conversation.
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Name: Robin Age: 25 From: Finland Pets: Dog named Myy Hobbies: Drinking? Thank you for tuning in and please enjoy your time. Emotes and banners by: ig @namizze
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Donations are allways appreciated but not neccessary. All donations go for making the stream better! Donations are non-refundable.