Záhlaví kanálu jswitchh

882 sledujících


Twitch is an RPG and I am the protag. You are all my party members and we are gunna stop the evil group, amazon, from taking over the world.

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Steam: Jswitch/Jnutz8652 Blizzard: Jswitch#11978 Riot: Jnutz8652/Jsswitch
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Click to join discord community.
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Donate if you feel generous or just wanna f*** over amazon
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Bit amounts and what they unlock... >.> Letter Kenny "bits" = 100 Mr. Krabs = 500 King DEEDEEDEE = 420 May work on these one day, who knows.
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very barren channel BTW
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Actraiser any% - 1:06:47 Megaman2 any% zipless - 40:32 Megaman3 any% - 46:55
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I play everything but common shit you will see here: Speed runs megaman SOLO modern day adventures: Darksouls metroidvanias Steam indies (Omori/undertale) rogue likes J/RPGS MULTIPLAYERS: League of legends Terraria MMOs (ff14)
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Gamer dude. Twitch ancient. Sometimes speed running. AMA
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Lurkers will be BANNED! NO TRAUMA DUMPING ON MY STREAM! No, you can't have VIP and you never will. wanna play a game with me? too fuggin bad. Talking about my mods is okay, but they can ban you after.
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!daytona !dickhole !pace !babies
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List of completed games on stream: Megaman 2, 3, X, X2, X3, X4 Undertale Darksouls 2 SotFS Breath of fire 3 Omori Everhood