Profile banner for juhvuhburrr



Heyo heyo! Just your average procrastinating gamer tryna make some friendos and some plays! Come chill with us c:

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Thanks for checking out my channel! Hey hey, the name's JV and you'll usually find me online sporting the name Juhvuhburrr or Shadowperish! I love playing all kinds of games so you can catch me streaming a wide variety (as long as my wallet permits oof). Feel free to ask me any questions and I will answer them to the best of my ability, granted that you be respectful hehe ^.^
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My life's pretty all over the place, heh, but I will be streaming at least every other day and if not, every day! If I can! Streams will most likely be in the evening at 6:00 pm PST and on (but not strictly starting at 6:00) That's the plan at least! Hope you can catch me some time heh.
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Just please be nice and respectful! I know some people like to request playing some games with those on stream and I will definitely take that into consideration, but most of the time I'll be playing private with some friends so please respect my decision to let it be a private lobby :)) thanks~

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Absolutely not needed hehe~ All donations will be going back into making the stream schwaay better for you all. (Unless you tell me to specifically buy some bbt then bet.) (jk, but seriously tho, I appreciate it heh.)

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Come pull through and be a part of something new! UwU!