Profile banner for juicymouse



I'm Juicy, a wild, free loving, crazy ass of a Welsh lady. I love nature and pretty walks into the depths of Hell...Just kidding, I'm Pagan!. I'm a tattoo apprentice, artist and gamer! Trust me when I say I'm crazy....Don't peep behind the curtain....

I do take Art Commisions!

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You can follow me on Instagram to see my Art. I prefer Instagram as it gives me a bit more privacy although you do see a little insight into my life. Throw me a message if you would like to enquire about anything! Click on the photo for the link!

Games I have played

Evil Within - Completed Evil Within 2 - Completed Dying light - Completed A Plague Tale: Innocence - Completed Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Ongoing Elder Scrolls: Morrowind Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Elder Scrolls: Skyrim - Ongoing Assassins Creed - Completed Assassins Creed 2 - Completed Assassins Creed Brother Hood - Completed Assassins Creed Revelations - Completed Assassins Creed 3 - Completed Assassins Creed Black Flag - Completed Assassins Creed Rogue - Completed Assassins Creed Unity Assassins Creed Syndicate - Completed Assassins Creed Origins - Assassins Creed Odyssey - Assassins Creed Valhalla - Fable Anniversary - Fable 2 - Completed Fable 3 - Completed The Last of Us - Completed Hogwarts Legacy - Ongoing

A bit about me!

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Hi there! I am Juicy, a Pagan lady from Wales. I work in the Healthcare Industry and I am a Tattoo Apprentice. I am Married to my best friend and sometimes you may even see him stream with me. He's very Viking looking so you can't miss him! I mostly stream games, what ever I fancy to be honest. I mostly enjoy medieval/fantasy based. I am starting up streaming art also. Which makes me super nervous! I am a huge fan of metal music, Amon Amarth probably being my fave! I am a keen gardener, collector of pinecones, hoarder of castle stones, drinker of mead, eater of marmite and master of Guinea Pigs. Come say hello! I am a Kooky lady, but all the best ladies are! May the Gods be with you. Blessed be.