Profile banner for jumns



yeah nice bro

Patience, Passion, Perfection

Daily. EVERY DAY. I am on the grind. You'd be DAMNED if you thought that I took a day off, that I needed a breather, that I earned a respite. SIIIILLLLEENNNNCCEEE. Those are just the demons in your head who don't want to see you succeed, dont want to see you number 1. I won't, no, I DONT give into these succubi, as tantalizing as they seem. If at the end of the day theres improvement still on the table; I'm right back at the head the next day. and its FEAST time. Quitting is for the birds, variety streamers, those who gave up on the dream to play mario maker, those who dont believe in themselves. I dont have enough time. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Its not fun anymore, I just want to have fun. IF YOU give into short term pleasures to give up on long term ecstasy. YOU LOOOOSE SIR. YOU GET NOTHING. Now that you know why Im here, why we are all here. Sit back. You have nothing to fear. You have jumns at the helm of the ship. And you. yes YOU. have a first class ticket to valhalla. join me. join US. WE WILL MAKE IT. WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS. what are you waiting for. I certainly wont.


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