k1nu 的个人资料横幅

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I'm only streaming as a hobby (once a week ish). I mostly play MMO's and Teamfight Tactics ❤️

##⭐[Snapchat](https://www.snapchat.com/add/yunalesca) ⭐ Join my [Discord!](http://discord.gg/warcraft) Name: Frida Birthday: 28th of October Height: 5' 6'' / 168cm Current main Game: FFXIV Also enjoy: World of Warcraft, TFT, Hearthstone, WC3. I have been streaming since 2013, and streamed all through my university time in Scotland (2018 grad). I am now working fulltime as a Software Developer and keeping up streaming as a beloved hobby <3
Streams will occur whenever I'm off work and have that spare time and energy, that means roughly 1-2 times a week.
##Any amount is greatly appericated (◕ ᴥ ◕) / ##Donate £3 or more to be shown on stream! #Special donation triggers: £69+ : Broiler - Money £99+ : I am NOT Prepared!! (Nyan Cat edition) £999+: You don't want to know. *If you are awesomecakes and would like to support me, just click the picture above ^ or click [here](https://twitch.streamlabs.com/K1nu#/).*
**How old are you?** - Im a 93 kid. **What's your story?** - I am Norwegian, and have lived in Norway until I moved to Scotland (Studied there from 2013-2018) I came back to Norway in 2018 :) **Education?** - Master's Degree in Product Design Engineering ;) **Y u no stream fulltime?** - I have tried streaming on a fulltime schedule before. Even though I love streaming, it works much better as a part time hobby than a fulltime job for me :) (Ask me in chat and I will elaborate)

Wanna get your own Hearthstone Holo Sticker? 🤩

Visit my Etsy shop by clicking the picture ❤️