
Chill times and playing for fun!


We play computer games! And if you're not a (complete) douche you normally can join! How do we play? Cooperatively! Currently, I do not stream often. Work, and recently also hardware issues etc.. What games do we play? I would say we do have a focus on base building games. Also strategy, but also driving, simulations and sometimes completely different ones. I hope you'll enjoy your stay, have a nice time and enjoy the games!! :)


!discord Be nice! :)

Additional Attributions.

Some of the subscription badges: [Campfire](https://icons8.com/icon/mofankfQZkoE/campfire) by [Icons8](https://icons8.com) [tractor](https://icons8.com/icon/e7dQ8Sc5tKvv/tractor) by [Icons8](https://icons8.com) [steam engine](https://icons8.com/icon/8MpEUZojDaky/locomotive) by [Icons8](https://icons8.com) [truck](https://icons8.com/icon/w09NL61Lg27t/delivery-truck) by [Icons8](https://icons8.com) [sheep](https://icons8.com/icon/gDkqpfstM2Eq/sheep) by [Icons8](https://icons8.com) [raccoon](https://icons8.com/icon/J2OYUfIrnBCa/raccoon) by [Icons8](https://icons8.com) The factorio badges: With kind permission from the Factorio devs :)! The SCII badges are made and allowed the use: [corydbhs15](https://www.deviantart.com/corydbhs15) Thanks a lot!!

Thank you!

Thank you to you. To everyone who is here and makes this an awesome experience and a lot of fun! Also..as I am horrible (like, really) with graphics, thanks for those artists that let me use their artworks: Logo: made by dadelsin Emotes: [kab00oM](https://pixabay.com/de/vectors/bombe-explosion-explosiv-nuklear-157416/) [kab00oMRACC](https://pixabay.com/de/vectors/tier-gesicht-logo-waschb%c3%a4r-2028258/) [kab00oMLUL](http://www.freestockphotos.biz/stockphoto/14044)


AAAALLL the games! Well, not entirely true. But a lot of management games. Also strategy games. Sometimes shooters or driving games etc.. Overall we have a big variance in the games that we play.


I'd like to have this a nice place for everyone. So: 1. Be nice to everyone (as long as they're nice as well). That's kinda it. 2. No ra*ism in any form. Obv. do not make fun of people who appear to be weaker, etc.. 3. Try to treat people the way you'd like to be treated yourself. If you do this we should be able to get along quite nicely! :) (Full set: [rules](https://kab00om.net/rules.php))


Yeah, no! Absolutely no schedule. Whenever I have time and energy and you are here and enjoy to play and watch! <3

Subscribe / Support.

If you want to support me you can do this on twitch or you can get a membership on my [big_rework_atm](big_rework_atm) . Thanks a lot for you support!!

Channel Currency.

Nope. Currently not in use. !check (See your amount of kabooomers) !give [recipient] [amount] !payout (See current rate of kabooomers payout) !top5 Sound commands: [reworked atm.]


Panel Content
Thanks a lot!! (only give what you can afford <3)!