Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho kaeshikasara

539 người theo dõi


I don't know how to type cool Bios. I just stream to chill with chat, mostly, and I'm bad at every possible game, a legendary skill.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Well, I still don't know what to say about myself. I just play random games, variety mostly with a bit of love for RPGs in all kinds. I mod for some channels and then I push 'Go Live' and I talk to chat while sucking at games. I am a Brazilian streamer, and I am always tired and caffeinated.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
I am part of the amazing Baka Knights stream team! While I'm mostly a mascot and I have no idea what I'm doing, they are absolutely fantastic! Check them out at [Baka Knights]( for amazing content. Seriously, most of those beans are the reason why I stream. They inspire me.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Just kidding, I don't like Instagram. But might as well make you read this whole text for no reason at all. Not that many people will come here to actually read this either way. Now, for other social media: You'll find the Discord by [Clicking Here]( if you want to join the community. My Twitter/X is [@KaeshiKasara]( if you want to follow notifications there and see me not-posting a lot.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
I will always tell everyone to take care of yourselves first and foremost. Your well being and comfort is priority over everything in this channel. That being said, if you feel like sharing and you are willing to help me improve my stream and my life, then I appreciate it a lot - though your presence is the real reason I stream. I just like talking about a bunch of nothings with chat. I also vouch to spend part of the money on two things, once my bills and emergencies are tended to: coffee, and my dogs. They eat like bears and they have to eat good dog food. [Streamlabs]( [Ko-Fi](
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
So, like the Tips and Dono, this is just something extra but with added merch if you want to have a few products of my meme-self. You can also access that by typing !merch in chat. I was told to create this and I will try to update it as time goes! Link: [Merch Store](