Profile banner for kaivel



ff8 speedrunner, love farming in video games, adept of 100%, perfectionnist


Bienvenue à tous, Je suis Kaivel, Speedrunner Français de Final Fantasy Ⅷ, créateur de la catégorie "100% Low XP". Mon objectif actuel ? WR chacune des catégories de ce jeu Welcome everyone, I'm Kaivel, French Speedrunner of Final Fantasy Ⅷ. creator of the "100% Low XP" category. My current goal ? WR all categories of this game


Q1. Why do you wait to kill Ifrit at 00:11 ? A1. In order to get Max score during the Dollet Exam i need to get 100 points in Judgment, and it is done by finishing the battle between 00:00 and 00:07, since the In Game timer stops after the Ifrit's Rename it ends just in time Q2. What cards are you looking for during the 1st Card Farm and why ? A2. I need 5 Abyss Worm, 5 Blitz and 1 to 3 Fastitocalon in order to refine them into Tornado, Thundagas and some water + a Quistis Limit Break


Panel Content
FFⅧ - Escape Dollet **2nd** : [43:17]( FFⅧ - Perfect Dollet **2nd** : [1:46:23]( FFⅧ - Any% **4th** : [7:24:07]( FFⅧ - 100% (Kynos%) **5th** : [11:44:46]( FFⅧ - 100% Low EXP (Kai%) **WR** : [14:44:07 Part 1]( [Part 2]( FFⅧ - Any% No-Junction **WR** : [13:53:49]( FFⅧ - Requiem 2.9.9 : [About 80h in VOD's] Perfect Dark - Agent All Missions : [48:45]( Perfect Dark - Special Agent All Mission : [1:27:14]( Perfect Dark - Perfect Agent All Mission : [None Yet] SM64 - 16 Stars : [23:24]( SM64 - 70 stars : [1:12:05]( SM64 - 120 stars : [3:20:58]( SM64 - 120 stars - Randomizer : [3:43:56](

Games I Play

Mostly you will see Final Fantasy Ⅷ and Super Mario 64 on this channel but i'm also playing some Stepmania ^^ it's possible that i play some casual independant or retro games

Discord Server

Panel Content
you can join me on Discord it will be a pleasure to welcome you on vocal
Panel Content
if you want to check my notes Any% Early Card Mod [EN]( [FR]( Update 15/01/2021 for EN 100% Low Exp V1.6 [EN]( [FR]( Update 04/21/2017 100% Kynos V1.0 [EN]( [FR]( Update 03/13/2017 Escape Dollet : [EN]( Update 10/03/2017 Perfect Dollet : [EN]( [FR]( Movements : [Disc 1]( Parts) [Item List + Boko Table](

Want To Help ?

Panel Content
if you want to help the stream live, you can now subscribe to my channel or donate, it is up to you! Thanks for the support guys <3

Kaivel's Song List

[SONG LIST]( [Link to the Playlist](


I wanted to thanks thoses who gave me autorisation to use their sound tracks : [Kunning Fox]( , [Oryhpes]( , [lohweo]( , [Lowe Frequency]( , [symphonicremasters]( , [JSF Music]( , [Dracula9AntiChapel]( and [Björn Lindqvist]( HUGE thanks to [BeujSensei]( for his help on the [RAM Map]( of FFⅧ also [Naedren]( , [myrtille_bleue]( and [Lady_coca]( for their work on the Overlays and Emotes And ALL who supports the channel and my work <3