kakolukia_ profilbannere

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Freelance-Illustrative storyteller. Streaming my painting work, emotional driver work based on my theme called Flow-finding one's self.The FLOW theme is officially over - link to the catalogue experience for the paintings here https://www.kakolukia.com/catalogue-of-flow

Donations Goal

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In my final month of FLOW till early/mid September- I decided to have a FLOW wholesale, putting most of my original art in huge bundles for you guys to own and have a part of this journey with you. The donations will work in tier sections - I made a list that shows the rewards in each tier starting from tier one till seven. Each drawing is limited and it is a first come first served basis. You do not get multiple tier rewards if you surpass the tier . You get to choose one. TIER 7 has been bought. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/276295956767703040/1013674015770021938/upv.jpg I hope it will allow for those who wished to buy a print to be able to afford one and for those who want to include or own an original FLOW drawing they can. The money you guys give - will go directly to renting out the exhibition space and paying for the driving and errands that needs for that to happen. Regardless if we reach this or not- I am thankful for all your support you ever gave in this channel.


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A collection of my art accompanied with my shop and some past projects.


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-Do you do commission ? Not currently. -What medium do you paint ? Acrylic paint -Do you sell them? Yes , all of them will be exhibited and sold in the end. Feel free to express your interest. -Wowww ! that's a big painting! Yea ,I have been painting only on larger panel/ murals. -Where can I see more of your work ? https://www.kakolukia.com/ -Do you sell prints? Yes at: https://www.kakolukia.com/shop

Who are you ?

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Hi I am Fabio. I am an illustrative storyteller and I am a full-time artist. I am focusing on creating this exhibition theme called Flow-finding one's self. We are following a female protagonist through the journey of finding herself through society. The ocean symbolizes society and the waves the individuals who make up society. Every panel of work reflects a moment in time in the journey of the protagonist. A learning curve into a better understanding of herself. I will be explaining as the theme unfolds. A journey that I am opening to my viewers and anyone who wish to strengthen this perspectives. The journey will be coming to an end in October - I am currently down the final painting after this one. In my departure I will be traveling and meeting a lot of the viewers who made an amazing impact on me. In that time - I will be working in creating a book that represents this journey that we have been through. I am a visual creator that document emotions of my life through art.I draw symbolically and everything I put in my piece has a meaning. The point of me doing what I do isn't to make something realistic or to capture a landscape with "pretty" colours. The reason behind me doing what I do is to promote individuality and to show empathy and reality. Empathy shows the self projection of my audience in my pieces and reality to the imperfect and unpredictability of peoples life. My work is semi realistic, above the imaginary and aggressive elements in my pieces is the human site that is prioritize. My focus lays on human nature and what can be understood. This is what I see in humanity, my pieces theme lays in social and spiritual beliefs. Hope you enjoy and do say Hi.


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So with all the help of the community, I was able to open up shop of all the paintings and drawings I have done in FLOW Thank you for everything you have done guys. <3