Profielbanner voor kaleidia6k

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Hi, I am a hobby game developer working in unreal engine 4/5 as well as blender for 3d models.


There are some games in work or as demos available on One of them is Goblin Settlers: A homage to the old Settlers games but with goblins.
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Sometimes, I try to be a game developer (have a background in programming and game design) and I stream some game development. Besides that I like to play games with story (interesting characters and locations) or sandbox games (voxel games like Creativerse or shooters like Saints Row). I play games for fun, not for competition, so there will be no hard core gaming here (difficulties will be normal or lower for most games).
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- Be kind to others - Treat others like you would like to be treated - I don't mind backseat gaming as long as it helps everyone - Questions of any kind are always welcome and I will try to answer them to the best of my knowledge but do your own research, I could be wrong on some aspects - Please avoid spoilers of any kind (even fake ones) - Politics, religion and such topics cannot be discussed without offending someone or anger them, so please avoid them
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- CPU: i7-6700K @ 4.00GHz - RAM: 32.0 GB - GPU: MSI Geforce 980 TI - HD: SSD 500 GB for system (Windows 10) and programs, HDs ~ 4TB for other stuff
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I use NightBot some of the standard commands and my own bot (RaccequaBot) where I set up some useful ones: - **!schedule** shows my streaming schedule for normal week days. - **!time** shows my local time - **!twitter** Have a look at my tweets for stream updates (in case I cannot stream for some reason and there will be a tweet before I go live on most days) - **!youtube** I will upload my VODs to my youtube account for you to watch later. Be warned though, the compression can make some videos blurry. I will work on that. - **!blog** Link to my blog with info on my background including previous projects. - **!project** Info about the current game development project I am working on. - **!indiedb** the game's indieDB page There are more, type **!commands** to get a list of possible commands.
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My twitter is @apolyon6k and my youtube is apolyon6k as well. For links use the commands. Other social media contacts I might give out on demand, write me a message on twitch first. For the game I am working on, there is a [facebook page]( <a class="twitter-timeline" href="">Tweets by Apolyon6k</a> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
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Due to work during the week, there are no streams there. I stream Saturdays starting at 13:00 (CET) and usually end about 6 to 8 hours later. This stream is work on my current game development project. The rest of the weekend I mostly take some time off streaming and do different other stuff. There might be special occasions when I might have a totally different schedule. Occasions like this are special game launches / betas or real life getting in the way of streaming. In any case, I will try to make a tweet about it.
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Click the image to get to the Indie DB page for the current project
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You want to join my discord server, here we go: [Apolyon6k's Discord]( or just click the image above It is a place to discuss everything around my stream and my games (test build links are in there as well.)
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All tips are appreciated be they of monetary nature or just advice. For the later just speak up in chat otherwise press the image above or go [here](