Profiilibanneri – kalisti

148 seuraajaa


Well hello there! My name is Kalisti, but you can call me Kali or Mama Kali. It's nice to meet you. I am an avid cross stitcher, enjoy cooking and a bit of gaming.

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Don't spam. Don't be rude. No begging and no advertising! No hate, only love. No politics or religious speech. English only please. This is an 18+ stream, please do not mention your age.
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Working it out
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Q. How long have you been cross stitching? A. I have been stitching for over 30 years. Q. What fabric do you use and how do you grid it? A. I stitch my larger pieces on 18 count aida, 2 over 1. I normally grid my fabric with fishing wire or kreinik. Q. What's the largest cross stitch have you done? A. My largest piece I have done is Unleashed, artwork by Anne Stokes and charted by Heaven and Earth Design. This took me 6 years to complete, working on average 3 hours per work. You can see it on my Instagram! Q. What type of thread do you prefer? A. I use DMC thread and if you see me pull my work to the side, I am unraveling my thread, as it gets knotty often. Q. Do you do commissions? A. Not at this time. When I do, please do not ask for baby yoda, moths or sloths. I will NOT stitch them. Q. Who does your artwork on your stream? A. All artwork is done by Firephly7, you can find them at
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Show support to the streamer! Click that donate button. All tips are appreciated and will go toward making the stream and my tools better. (computer, set up, cross stitching supplies, cooking supplies, and more). Thank you for showing your support. Please note all tips/donations are not refundable.
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