


Classic, old and underappreciated games, played by an awkward middle-age kid. Official regular schedule: Sunday to Friday 8pm EST, I stream outside these hours with other games, sometimes recent ones. Welcome to The Retro Gaming Junction.

**Official Streams** Everyday except Saturdays 8pm EST (12am GMT) Sun-Tue-Thu: **Star Trek: Hidden Evil** Mon-Wed-Fri: **Planescape: Torment** Outside of regular schedule (usually before the 8pm stream or Saturdays) **The Talos Principle** Check [Discord](https://discord.gg/KcwRydBH) for more details. VODs/recorded streams are available in [Videos/Highlights](https://www.twitch.tv/kameleo_rgj/videos?filter=highlights&sort=time) and a couple of days later on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPe09CFWC4dVI8JHvaOjIpg/videos).
Old gamer, who never stopped playing. RPGs are my favorite genre and Cyberpunk or Fantasy/DnD are my favorite settings. Playing all sorts of games from RTS to text adventure. I'm French Canadian, sorry for the accent. I'm interested in exploring games, not just finishing them. Hints, tips or Easter eggs are usually welcome. Just NO STORY SPOILERS. **I want to hear your opinions.** This is a free space, open for discussion.
**Sounds for the channel** For latest sounds added: newsounds **Greetings** hey | heyhey | heyheyhey | alright | hail | letsjam | online | whatsgoingon | heyyouguys **Deaths / Fails** dead | fail | gameover | shame | omg | ifhedies | youresostupid | bitterdefeat | nohope | fixyou | pissesyou **Misc.** bs | buullshit | omg | yeah | rebelscum | ihavethepower | violation | dodgethis | gone garbage | trash | newshit | surprise | idk | yes | no | ilied | bythegods | loveto | ofcourse **Robocop** wecare | glitch | canyoufly | liveforever | pissesyou | slime | shit | lovethatguy | reallygood | cooperation | goodnight | yourmove | dontjerk | trouble | notime | bangbang | ilike | byebye | fixyou | niceshooting **Aliens** gameover | currentevents | fuckingA | cantbe | affirmative | ultimatebadass **Star Trek** dead | brandy | logical | kirk | imkirk | live | iwannalive | iwannale | hellout | insulted | futility **Dune** spice | fear | awakened | mindinmotion | controlspice **Evil Dead** groovy | shebitch | hail | swallow | whoareyou | klaatu | trick | boomstick | remington | shopsmart | liveagain | sugar | leave | yeahbaby | goodbad **Willy Wonka** time | promisedland | neverdoubt | dialinformation | stop | helppolicemurder | youdidit | yougetnothing | gooddaysir | isaidgoodday **Deus Ex** Gods | abomb | certainly | endure | nervesofsteel | visionaugmented | wearethefuture **Screams** Wilhelm | Wilhem2 | Howie | Sullyfalls **Stupid Stuff / Inside jokes** agebar | pepsi | gorton | pootoss | showdick | normalsize | ground | grouund | tookandthrew | happybirthday | adult | aduult | realworld | peekaboo
**Current games:** Planescape: Torment Star Trek: Hidden Evil The Talos Principle (Impromptu/Early Streams) **Coming soon** Homeworld 2 More Star Trek Games #Old Streams **2024** Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Half-Life 1 + Exp. Ultima IX Star Trek: Generations Lure of the Temptress Klingon Honor Guard Zork: Grand Inquisitor Icewind Dale II Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Privateer 2: The Darkening Star Trek: Starfleet Command Gothic Dune 2000 **2023** Thief 3 System Shock 2 Christine's FM King's Quest VI Deus Ex [Non-Lethal/Hard] Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal Ultima VII: The Black Gate King's Quest VII Final Fantasy III -PR- Daikatana King's Quest VIII: Mask of Eternity Star Trek TNG (GENESIS) Tyranny Ultima Underworld 2 Homeworld 1 SS2 (Secmod 3) Star Trek: A Final Unity Prey (2006) System Shock Remake Deus Ex GMDXv9 Return to Zork Star Trek: Starfleet Academy (32X) Ultima VII - Part 2 Bioshock Missionforce: Cyberstorm DS9- Crossroads of Time DS9: Harbinger Bioshock 2 Bioshock Infinite Homeworld: Cataclysm Star Trek: Klingon Star Trek: Borg Arcanum Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri Bioforge Zork Nemesis Ultima VIII: Pagan Ecstatica Sanitarium Stonekeep Wing Commander: Privateer Fade to Black Final Fantasy IV -PR- Deus Ex: Invisible War Day of the Tentacle **2022** Might and Magic VII C&C Red Alert Star Trek 25th (NES) Descent: Freespace Star Trek 25th (GB) Ultima V Thief Gold Star Trek 25th (DOS) Outcast Star Trek: Judgement Rites Final Fantasy I - PR- Warcraft Front Mission: Gun Hazard Ultima VI Beautiful Desolation Duke Nukem Forever (2001 Build) Beyond Zork Might and Magic VIII Thief II Dark Pictures: Man of Medan, Little Hope, House of Ashes Final Fantasy II -PR- Zork Zero Freespace II King's Quest I King's Quest II Ultima Underworld King's Quest III Realms of the Haunting Resident Evil 1-2-3 (Classic REbirth) System Shock 2 (Impossible Difficulty) The Quarry King's Quest IV Fallout: New Vegas Warcraft II King's Quest V Knights of the Old Republic II **2021** X-Wing Alliance Morrowind - Bloodmoon Syndicate Max Payne 1 Zork I Unreal: Return to Na Pali Zork II Baldur's Gate Max Payne 2 Zork III Descent II Front Mission 1 (SNES) Star Trek: 25th Anniversary Dune (DOS) Star Trek 1971 Star Trek 1972 Super Star Trek Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn Starsiege Star Trek: The Promethean Prophecy Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar Dune II Star Trek: The Rebel Universe Dead Space Undying Alan Wake F.E.A.R. + Expansions Alien Isolation Ghostbusters: The Video Game Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal Star Trek: First Contact Enter The Matrix Star Trek V: The Final Frontier **2020** Quest for Glory 1 VGA EVO: Search for Eden Quest for Glory II VGA Knights of the Old Republic Heroes of Might and Magic II Quest for Glory III: Wages of War Wasteland (Original) Starcraft: Brood War Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness X-Wing vs TIE Fighter: Balance of Power Campaign The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire Descent The Secret of Monkey Island Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge The Curse of Monkey Island Fallout 2 Mechwarrior 3: Pirate's Moon Gabriel Knight 2 Koudelka I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream Clock Tower Loom Deus Ex (Combat/Hard) Morrowind - Tribunal Grand Theft Auto Colossal Cave Adventure Phantasy Star Generation 1 Neofeud **2019** Alone in the Dark Ultima III MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries Parasite Eve 1 Might and Magic IV+V: World of Xeen System Shock 1 The Elder Scrolls: Arena Faxanadu Deus Ex Suikoden Lands of Lore I, II, III Earthsiege 2 The Terminator The Terminator 2029 Unfinished The Terminator: Rampage Unfinished The Terminator: Future Shock Unfinished Command and Conquer Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers Star Control II: The Ur-Quan Masters TIE Fighter Unreal Might and Magic VI Wing Commander 1 Mechwarrior 3 Wing Commander II Fallout 1 Starcraft Remastered Fallout 1.5 Wing Commander III Evil Dead: Regeneration System Shock 2 (Psi Only) Phantasmagoria 1 Phantasmagoria 2 Blade Runner Daggerfall Unity Wing Commander IV Heroes of Might & Magic 1 Icewind Dale Actraiser **2018** Willow (NES) X-Wing Anachronox Mechwarrior 1 Star Tropics Secret of Mana HD Mechwarrior 2: 31st Century Combat Soul Blazer The Dig Al-Quadim Shogo: Mobile Armor Division Leisure Suit Larry I EGA Leisure Suit Larry II Blood II Battletech Alien vs Predator Arcade Aliens Arcade No One Lives Forever Alien vs Predator Classic 2000 Space Quest I EGA Eye of the Beholder Illusion of Gaia Alien vs Predator 2 Star Ocean Earthsiege Another World MechWarrior 2: Ghost Bear Legacy Sam & Max Eye of the Beholder II Final Fantasy VI - Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition Flashback System Shock 2 Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodline Blood Omen Soul Reaver Bloodnet Veil of Darkness Ultima I Ultima II Might & Magic III Space Quest I to VI Arx Fatalis
**[Discord](https://discord.gg/tPKsd4C)** The homebase of the Retro Gaming Junction. Schedule, announcements, polls and other news. Discuss geeky stuff with the gang, recommend games, have fun! **[YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPe09CFWC4dVI8JHvaOjIpg)** Recorded streams for your viewing pleasure. Easier to navigate and search videos and playlists. A couple of days behind the live ones, great for viewing older streams. **[Twitter](https://twitter.com/JunctionRetro)**