Profile banner for kaoticpersona



The home of It Came From The Indies and Mystery Wrestling Theater 5000. Variety streamer with a love for shooters, RPGs, and wrestling games. Avid geek with a fondness of the martial arts bug men. If you know, you know.

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What's going on? I'm KaoticPersona. Long time gamer with a love of shooters, fighters, and wrestling games. But that won't stop me from playing other types of games. So you never know what I will be playing. This channel also serves as the home to Pro Wrestling Revival. So kick back, chill, and enjoy the chaos.
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Here are the rules: 1. No racism/bigotry allowed. You a bigot, GTFO. 2. No tribalism, especially within the wrestling sphere. We have so many different flavors out there, don't choose to be salty cause someone doesn't like your favorite flavor. 3. Debate is welcome, but be respectful. 4. Be kind to those in the chat with you. You don't know what others have been through. 5. Have fun. Anyone found to be breaking the rules will be treated with 500mg of Banhammer.
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I've pledged to play games and raise funds for kids at Sacred Hearts Children's Hospital in Spokane, Washington. Here's how it works Extra Life is a gaming and DIY fundraising platform supporting Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. I'm joining thousands of gamers, dedicating a day to play games and raise funds from friends like you. 100% of the donations go to my local children's hospital.
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Inspired by Ministry Of Puro and Church Of Joshi, It Came From The Indies is a deep dive into the indie wrestling careers of wrestlers past and present. They could be current stars you see on television every week, or the next big thing coming up on the scene. Either way, you can be sure that It Came From The Indies will be a great primer for anyone looking to see what's out on the indies today or where their favorite wrestler came up from.
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Take abit of QI, mix it with some MST3K, and add in a heapy helping of pro wrestling, and you get Mystery Wrestling Theater 5000. Join me and my guests as we watch hand picked matches from us and the viewers as we discuss anything under the sun, either it be wrestling or not.
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Click the header to goto my Linktree to find me on social media. I'm active on Blue Sky a lot, so you can find me there. But if you must use Twitter, you can find me there too.

What is Pro Wrestling Revival???

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Pro Wrestling Revival is a simulation federation using Fire Pro Wrestling World. A mix of community creations and my own, PWR attempts to be the best professional wrestling has to offer.

Pro Wrestling Revival Roll Call Of Champions!

**PWR GLOBAL CHAMPION:** Iceberg (as of 5/21/2023) **PWR INTERNET CHAMPION:** Vacant **PWR TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS:** Vacant

Next Pro Wrestling Revival Show

**GLOBAL TAG GP NIGHT 4** Jake Steele vs. Lilith The Celebrated (Maxine Blaster/Toni Bolton) vs. Chi-Town Express (AJ Steele/Tyson Jackson) Angelica Nightengale vs. Aya Mizuno Brayden Sutton/Lance Marshall vs. D-Team (Iceberg/Astrid Johannson) **PWR Internet Championship Tournament Quarterfinals:** Chris Andrews vs. Jacob Queen **Global Tag GP 2023 Quarterfinals:** The Newcastle Conglomerate (Quintin Raney/Xander Creed) vs. Time Patrol (Infinity/Masahiro Takada) **PWR Internet Championship Tournament Quarterfinals:** The Notorious EFM vs. Concrete Pete **MAIN EVENT: Global Tag GP 2023 Quarterfinals:** Smoked Out (The Malta Kid/Donovan Cloud) vs. D-Team (Daunte Thomas/Frank McMichealson)
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As a small time streamer, donations go along way to help. I appreciate even just a dollar or 2 here and there. Donations help me with getting new games and improving the quality of the production and the graphics I use for the stream. But don't worry if you can't, leave a follow and spread the word will also help plenty.