27,5 tis. sledovateľov


I speedrun Perfect Dark and Goldeneye for N64. Also IMO I am better than average looking.

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Hey there! My name is Karl. I'm 32 and reside in Brisbane, Australia. Technically, I would be considered a speedrunner. I play the same game repetitively trying to beat it quicker. But honestly, that's not what this stream is about. My main concern is building a lively stream with as much interaction with viewers as possible. When you drop in please say hello! I welcome and appreciate all messages and I endeavour to respond to as many as I can.
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I'll aim to stream almost every single day. At the latest I should start streaming at 2PM AEST however most days I'll start earlier. Join my discord so you can be updated on any days I may miss! At the moment I am trying to stream as much as I can to build my channel and attract more viewers. I'm attempting to get a consistent sleep pattern so I can set up a reliable schedule. I know consistency is important so please wish me luck!
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Throughout my teenage years and into early adulthood I was depressed, had low confidence, low self esteem and terrible social anxiety. I have been able to completely turn this around with over 10 years of studying self development, psychology, social dynamics, dating, relationships, sales, fitness and more. If you ever need advice, help, guidance or just need to vent about something getting you down please let me know in chat and I will try to help clear your mind.
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Aside from speedrunning I also focus on a bunch of other skills including guitar, piano, juggling, working out, chess and more. I'm starting to post videos of the skills that I'm developing on my [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/c/karljobst) channel so go check it out if you're interested. If you share similar interests or are looking to get into to any of these areas hit me up in chat as I would love to hear it. If you looking to get some motivation and need a pep talk I can also help you out there :)
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In order to make money from streaming I'll need to rely on donations from generous, kind-hearted heroes such as yourself. The path my life takes from here is in your hands. Click on the PayPal logo above to be directed to my donation page. You can also support me by subscribing to this channel and getting access to my custom emotes, which include the biggest eggplant on Twitch.
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[DISCORD](https://discord.gg/EjDRvg7) [YOUTUBE](https://www.youtube.com/c/karljobst) [TWITTER](https://twitter.com/karljobstgaming) [INSTAGRAM](https://www.instagram.com/karljobst/)
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- Original Nintendo 64 Console (NO EMULATOR!) - Original Nintendo 64 Controller - Sanyo Wave14 14 inch CRT TV - Dazzle DVC100 capture card (S-Video input) - Logitech C920 webcam - AT2020 USB microphone - OBS Studio - Old, outdated and slow computer (needs upgrade)
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A lot of my emotes, along with my twitch panels, break screens and starting soon screen were created by [@ACEARONI](https://twitter.com/Acearoni). Click his name to contact him on Twitter. He does great work so if you're looking to improve the look and credibility of your stream hit him up!