261 sledovateľov


Hey guys! Kaslo here! I normally stream JRPGs, but also have a little bit of everything.

Obsah panela
Hey there and thanks for visiting my channel! I'm a full-time attorney who likes to play video games when the day is over! I have plans of starting a youtube series that blends my love of video games with my life as an attorney. Hope you have fun chilling with me and please consider hitting the follow button so you know when I'm online! Want to know what I plan to play next? Checkout my priority list here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bMgGmxDNP7ZW2iXlgif-Sq92DoK5xDcZCjkRF3EN5eE/edit?usp=sharing Also, check me out elsewhere on social media: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/dstrimple Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Kaslo25 Tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/Kaslo25
Obsah panela
Generally, I try to stream weeknights starting between 7pm and 8pm Eastern, and then sometimes on the weekends. Be sure to follow me on twitter @Kaslo25 to know more about when I plan to go live!
Obsah panela
Always appreciated, but never requested! If you enjoy the stream (or my YouTube videos) you can send me a donation via streamelements: https://streamelements.com/kaslo25/tip

Discord Server

Want to chat with people when I'm not streaming? Get notifications when I upload a new video? Get notifications when I go live? Then join my discord server here: https://discord.gg/xeXxB7p