katun24 için profil afişi

7,4 B takipçi


Super Mario World kaizo player and blindfolded speedrunner.

Panel İçeriği
Heya! I'm Katun, I stream Super Mario World **kaizo hacks**. My goal is to beat as many of them as possible. Click [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x8m-eny7LCkscGBhdvpRJfqZZJ4IKtiefD3ecDxdW9M) for a list of all hacks I've finished and plan to play in the future (new hacks are constantly being made and added to the list). I usually stream on Fri/Sat/Sun during European afternoons and evenings, and whenever I have time on other days. All streams are announced in my [Discord](https://discord.gg/nG4H3yg). I see my stream mostly as a showcase of the hacks I play and as a way for me and other people to connect to the creative SMW community. That said, I'm usually not too interactive with chat during the gameplay. Please don't feel disappointed if I ignore your greeting, however don't let that keep you from chatting about anything you want. Backseating = ban. Do not under any circumstance share unsollicited gameplay-related suggestions, hints, clever observations, or reminders.
Panel İçeriği
- [Discord](https://discord.gg/nG4H3yg) (for chit-chat and stream announcements) - [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@Katun24Q/videos) (for SMW kaizo clears and vods of blindfolded runs)
Panel İçeriği
You may have found my channel through vods of blindfolded speedruns/playthroughs. While doing these is not my current focus, I'm happy to talk about them any time. All of my blindfolded vods can be found on [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP-eTL2mcF0Xr-DCDevsq6n9yNykkpB8u), including the Donkey Kong Country trilogy, Super Mario 64 (70 star), Super Mario World (11 exit), Ocarina of Time (glitchless), Celeste, Portal, the Mega Man X trilogy, etc.
Panel İçeriği
Donations are highly appreciated but never expected from anyone. If you are feeling exceptionally generous, click the dumb picture above.