kazeugma için profil afişi

2,1 B takipçi


he/him This user has no class. A semi-skilled, semi-entertaining, semi-intelligent video gamist.

Panel İçeriği
_If there's a foil effect on the stream_, it's your chance to win fabulous prizes! I have a new custom tool for the process, so click the magical pattern above to get started. I run contests from time to time, where random drawings deal out games for Steam or GoG. _Have something left over from a bundle?_ Many of the prizes I give away are gift hopper donations from zoo patrons like you. Chip in by sending me a message on twitter.

Advice for Chat

I have many emotes disabled, and encourage the use of skulls and owls. Please listen to anything the mods tell you. Enable this script to turn off the emotes [http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/179525](http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/179525) The following emotes are recommended: YoshiCookie RoundCookie SquareCookie GreenCookie HeartCookie FlowerCookie Turn them on here: [http://frankerfacez.com](http://frankerfacez.com)