Profile banner for kbkingsize



Hello! My name is Kev and I play and make content about card games(mostly One Piece and Digimon). Sometimes you might see a video game or two here though

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Hey! I'm Kev I'm a Barista, VGC/TCG Player, and Part-Time Streamer I stream to share my hobbies whether that be one of the many TCGs I play or a variety of Video Game playthroughs. I want to share my experiences with all of you here!
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Just be chill Respect the mods they are just doing their job DO NOT SPAM this means not posting the same question over and over again if I miss it. For multiplayer games I will open up my info for people who would like to join in. I want to have fun with all of you and what better way than some multiplayer. No advertising yourself or any other streams. That's just rude and disrespectful Just have a chill time.
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Donations are never required to be here or enter any kind of giveaways we do here. This is just if you just feel like throwing me a few bucks because you like what I do.
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