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Streaming Balatro with 30 viewers

I went to Harvard Law School so I could play video games on Twitch.

What's Good

Yo I'm Keeper, a lawyer and writer by trade; on here, I'm mostly known as a JRPG speed runner. I specialize in running FF9 for PC, I have dabbled in FFX for PC, and I'm currently learning the FFX-2 run for PS2. Chrono Cross is on the docket for 2024. I specifically choose runs with high RNG/variance because they tend to reward deeper learning and on-the-fly math & logical reasoning. (Alternatively, you could argue I'm just a weirdo.) I also throw in some casual playthroughs (e.g., Ace Attorney) when we want to be extra chill.

Community First

Doing PBs and WRs is cool, but building a strong, inclusive, and mutually respectful space is what I'm all about. What does that look like in practice? - We go for super welcoming vibes and try to make sure you can feel cozy here, no matter your group membership or identity. Because you all deserve to feel a sense of belonging, I will be quick to shut down anything that is implicitly or explicitly oppressive—especially towards our female, LGBTQIA+, and/or minority community members. Along the same lines, we're not into sus hyper-sexualized emotes or being weirdly heteronormative. - Instead of taking speed running too seriously, we try to focus on having all the fun. Of course I am trying to improve and go fast, and don't hesitate to root me on, but please keep in mind this shit could not be less serious. We are here to help people chill out when they're, like, smoking up or eating soup or going to bed. - In short: be nice! Don't be a freak!

Past & Future Casual Playthroughs

Blind Playthroughs Completed on Stream: - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Final Fantasy X-2 - Chrono Cross - Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - Celeste Future Playthrough Shortlist: - Earthbound - Final Fantasy IV - Final Fantasy XVI - Outer Wilds - Dragon Quest XI - Sea of Stars

Exclusive FAQ with KeeperBK

**q:** bro, you sound kinda woke up there. tell me you're not woke **a:** i am so woke **q:** but can we do jokes **a:** watch my stream for 5 minutes: literally all we do is jokes **q:** but **a:** if you think doing jokes and not marginalizing people are inconsistent, uhh, this may not be the place for you **q:** how do i get good at ff9 **a:** play it a lot and fuck up the rest of your life in the process **q:** did you really go to harvard law school **a:** yes **q:** then why are you here **a:** mom please don't interrupt my FAQ **q:** what does the BK stand for **a:** most assume either burger king or brooklyn **q:** who's right **a:** both groups are right. i stream from a burger king in brooklyn (username "hipsterwhopper" was sadly taken)

Speed Run PBs & Future Runs

Times I Accidentally Went Fast: - FFIX PC Any %, No Major Skips: 7:26:50 (current WR) - FFIX PC Any %, No Major Skips, Cut Scenes Removed: 3:16:07 - FFIX PC All bosses: 11:15:31 - FFX-2 Digital Any %: 3:53:15 - FFX CSR RNG Fix: 3:38:17 Future Speed Run Shortlist: - Chrono Cross RDE Any % - Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PC Any % - Final Fantasy VI PC Any %