
Hi my name is Kera (but most people call me Keja). I am a red-headed snow fox. I am used to the cold so i want to spread warmth and positivity to those around me, I am a variety streamer I play whatever i'm feeling on the day <3 || PNGTuber ||


- No Self Promoting - No racism/hate speech - No bullying - No backseat gaming - Please don't come into chat just to ask to play! (my dms are always open and if you dont have my discord !discord is always available) - If someone says they're uncomfortable respect it, Don't argue!! - Respect both streamer and mods. - Enjoy your time and relax You may be warned, But my mods have permission to ban without context


PNG - Made by AltenaRu on Twitter Starting Soon and BRB Screen - Made by tessacreative on Fiverr Emotes - Made by masjacky on fiverr, Doodlebee, Bobi and Free Emotes Made by RaeChuue!


Commissions for my stupid lil emotes or simple drawings or you can just tip if you want to BUT there is never any pressure, any tips are appreciated but not expected