แบนเนอร์โปรไฟล์สำหรับ kennydayo

ผู้ติดตาม 864 คน


Japanese/American Streamer living in Japan. Mainly play FF14, aspire to be an art streamer, read dating sim again, and play co-op games with my good friend Kimmy. Looking for friends to play FF14 with, if you are in Aether let's be friends! :D 日本語大歓迎

日本語とEnglish Streamer! Japanese American guy who loves being a nerd and love to workout. I love games, anime, pokemon cards, and the nerdiest thing you can think of I love them! I hope we can spend time together and become good friends! I play variety of games! Suggest me some I love to experience what you guys love! 日本ユーザーの皆さんどうも! 日本とアメリカのハーフのケニーだよ! ゲームオタクでもありジムオタクでもあります! 今はアニメの翻訳関連のことやってますので、アニメ好きのあなた!友達になりましょう! 配信中は結構英語話してるのですが、全然日本語で話しかけてもオッケーですよ!世界中の皆さんとつながりましょう!通訳・翻訳は僕に任してください! The PNG Avatar is made by me :) I hope to incorporate more drawing-related streams on my channel!
Here are the games I'm currently playing and will eventually play. If you are interested please stop by my stream! :) Ongoing ⭐Final Fantasy 16 ⭐FF14 ⭐Dead By Daylight ⭐Platinum Genshin ⭐Platinum Kingdom Hearts 2 Upcoming Games ⭐No plans at the moment Games I 100%/Platinum: ⭐Zelda Breath of the Wild ⭐Demon Slayer Hinokami Chronicles ⭐Tales of Arise ⭐Kingdom Hearts 1
⭐ Be NICE to each other DAYO! ⭐ Let's laugh together DAYO! ⭐  Let's talk about ANIME and MANGA and all OTAKU THINGS DAYO! ⭐  日本語で話そう! ⭐ 日本人も歓迎だよ! ⭐  Let's become friends DAYO!
I don't use any other Social than Instagram so if you want to connect follow my Instagram! I mostly post workout pics lol but I also post my daily life so if you are interested please have a look! Don't be a stranger! インスタやってます!もしよかったらフォローしてください!筋トレ画像ばっかりですけどもww
It would be the world to me if you can support me, of course please prioritize yourself first, but if you want to help out the channel I will be super special happy DAYO!