Банер на профила за kikoskia

8,6 хил. последователи


Поточно предаване на Animal Crossing: New Horizons за 13 зрители

Kikoskia предава поточно Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mega Man 2 и King of the Castle.

About Me

Hey folks, it's Kikoskia here. --- I've been a Let's Player for a long time, since 2008. Now I'm doing streams too! I'm still making YouTube content as usual, so if you like what you see here and want some more, check out my YouTube channel: [youtube.com/Kikoskia](https://www.youtube.com/user/Kikoskia) VOD channel: [youtube.com/KikVODskia](https://www.youtube.com/@KikVODskia) Community --- We have a community Discord server, so join if you want to chat with me and others outside the streams: [The Realm of the Avatar](https://discord.gg/X2YUmPh) Check out my Website --- For a handy place with lots of links to all things Kikoskia, look no further than here! [Kikoskia.com](https://kikoskia.com) Social media --- If, for some reason, you want more updates from my daily life, I'm active on Twitter: [@Kikoskia](https://twitter.com/kikoskia) Support me --- I am a Twitch partner, but if you want to support me through other avenues, I also have a Patreon: [patreon.com/kikoskia](https://www.patreon.com/kikoskia/)

Current Schedule

The current stream schedule is as follows: Monday: King of the Castle Tuesday: Animal Crossing New Horizons Wednesday: Mega Man Legacy Collection Thursday: Animal Crossing New Horizons Friday: Might & Magic VII: For Blood and Honour Saturday: Animal Crossing New Horizons

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