


Just having fun bringing you some awesome content! Sponsored by cinchgaming. Use coupon code "Kadort" at check out for a 5% discount!

I'm just a 23 year old guy with a love for gaming. Video games have been a huge part of my life since I first started playing on the original Nintendo and Playstation. I would love to eventually become a twitch affiliate and maybe make a little money doing what I love, but if I don't that's fine because I am still doing what I love and I get to share that with all of my viewers.
Tips are not required but are very much appreciated!!! All Tips given will be put back into my stream to buy better equipment in the future. Top Tippers 1.Striblin-$20 2.Kritikillz-$20 3. jacobmarth-$6
Almost everyday from 12am to 4am. Schedule may be changing very soon so watch for updates!
My graphic designer is Mack Moletta. He does an amazing job. If you guys like what you see and would like him to do something for you as well, hit me up with a message, I can get you in touch with him.
Be respectful to others No self promotion without permission If you want a shout out, ask No hate speech ex. Racial slurs, other derogatory remarks Other than that, lets just have fun guys!
I am using a one of the original Playstation 4 500GB. And I use a 24" Vizio tv. It's not the most ideal setup, but I am hoping to get a PC eventually to improve stream quality.