Profilbanner til kingoppai

93 følgere


Hi, I'm Nick!


How's it goin'? You can call me *King*/*Oppai*/*Nick*/~~insertpetnamehere~~* etc.,* I'm a 25 year old **~~Weeaboo~~** **League of Legends** player from the PNW! NA Server ! **02/11/14 was when I officially started streaming, though I've been quite inactive**. I was introduced to the game in beta, but didn't get into it until 2010. League will be the primary focus of this stream, but be sure to hit that follow button to stay updated in case of a group "Let's Play" and other games such as OW and BDO~ **I will update this section with the growth of my community :D** *edit 09/13/16: Page under slight construction. After a nearly 8 month hiatus from League of Legends I will be returning to a regular streaming schedule **TBA***

Keep updated and AMA!

#Follow me on **Twitter [@KingOppai](** ### Facebook too! [lolkingoppai]( ### Instagram @idleidol

I also watch Anime! (Duh)

#Currently watching: - Orange + 91 Days - Re:Zero + Danganronpa 3 - Sweetness & Lightning + Mob Psycho 100 - New Game ##Backlog/Soon^TM - [Empty] ###Any Suggestions? LET ME KNOW!! ##All time favorites you ask? - Kimi no Na wa (Best Movie) - Monogatari Series - Sakurasou no Pet Na Kanojo - Haikyuu! - Nichijou - Hataraku Maou Sama - ToraDora - Beyond the Boundary - Oregairu

Want to donate? o_o;

Just^*Click* The image above~ Be sure to leave me a note so I know who you are! :3 #First 10 people to donate will be immortalized in my info section in order of donation (not amount) ! ^_^ **Donations will go towards improving stream quality (webcam, cpu components, *giveaways*, etc.). Most if not all donation money will go back to you the viewers! (Unless noted otherwise by donator)**


#Immortalized - **Black_ranger_man** + **Alltimehope** - **Fyrepyro** + **alexxxandria**