kingphilipx 的个人资料横幅

243 位关注者


I'm Phil. I'm a musician, been playing guitar, bass and singing since I was 16. I've been playing video games all my life. People say I look like Dave Grohl and Steve Aoki.

About me x

I only have one monitor so please be patient if I don't respond immediately. I'm Phil! I'm 32 and love to stream oldschool rpgs, especially Neverwinter Nights and World of Warcraft. I love music! I have an eclectic musical taste, so I can be on Synthwave one minute and Deathcore the next, I'm open to requests but if I don't like it I'm not going to force myself through it. I play guitar, bass and I sing. If you would like to see this there's stuff on my instagram [@philidabass]( x I've finished Portal 2 co-op on my own with two control pads :3. Edit: I currently don't have a schedule, other than DND on Friday! 6 - 9pm GMT. I try to be here when I can. Apologies if I miss a couple of streams here and there, I suffer from depression and anxiety and can get pretty sick.

Nobody Nose It

I love puns! I've a really dry and dark sense of humour. Not pg 13 at all, very much 18+. Rules are don't be a dick, don't be passive aggressive, any racism or homophobia or anything like is not allowed, not on and it'll deem you a big smelly willy and I won't stand for it. So best to just be nice and chill and chat because I will be nice and chill and chat, because the world is too small and life is too short to be intentionally mean. Also I thought this looked trippy so I put it up :3 x


[Donations]( are not necessary but very much appreciated. Just poke me in the eye and you're good to go x.

Social Media

[Instagram]( [Bandcamp - Made Of Sand (Everything)]( [Bandcamp - Feather In A Dream (Hard Rock)]( [Bandcamp - The Lachesist (DeathMetal)](

Hey! I'm using Streamlabs!

You too can have a beautiful stream set up like me! Themes and stuff for your stream? Not a problem with streamlabs ;).

This is where the verbal diarrhea comes out :3.

[Discord]( If I don't respond straight away in chat, I only have one monitor so please... just chill I'll get to it. If you follow, it makes a noise and I'll look at it, then I can respond.