Profile banner for kissmeuwu



พักค้าบ T^T // คิสมีอูวู้ ʕ •̀ ω •́ ʔ

Panel Content
✿ **name**: im dada ✿ **age**: im 17 (23/08/2004) ✿ **ethnicity**: thai ✿ **location**: thailand ✿ **games**: mostly valorant and osu ✿ **for work** : 089-804-0693 (p fern) ##why is your english really good? ✿ i go to an international school where they mostly speak and teach us in english ✿ english friends :3 ##when did you start streaming? ✿ i started streaming consistently in early december, 2020 ✿ hehe partner 6/07/2021 ##schedule ✿ around 8pm GMT+7 ✿ 5 times a week