Profile banner for kitttymouse



Hiker, kitty mum and a former Nanotechnology Science student😺, but God still loves me. Bringing you sensory experiences through my hikes around Sydney and through the music I play. All kitty things, kitty cam, gaming, scientific monitoring of earthquakes on EQ3D and so much more!

Panel Content
>**Hello sweet people** > Hi from Sydney Australia! >My kitties and I welcome you to our channel! A whimsical place to relax and have some laughs. Real life is getting so stressful and disturbing, I think we need a safe haven for a few hours to interact with a positive community. It's for our mental health and a way of not losing our faith in goodness. >I've been sharing my walks here for a couple of years. I've shown a bit of my adventures of trips to Queensland and Tasmania. Well! I am finally getting my shit together and gonna do this more seriously. I will need lots of help and encouragement because I am, after all, a big scaredy cat! Hahahaha No, seriously >Now, what is coming? Well, I just keep adding things I want to stream, things I want to share with you, but I just can't decide! So I'll try a few things and go from there hey?! >Last year I started playing Runescape but I am really a big fan of space exploration adventures, so I will be looking for a good Intergalactic adventure game! I'm leaning towards **Outer Wilds**! >I was gifted the Kitty game called " **Stray**" Thank you General Decker! I just love it and hope to work out how to make it work properly while I stream! >Focusing on my health is a priority to keep the bad symptoms at bay. Getting exercise & eating healthy food, getting enough rest to manage PTSD / depression, most of the time easier said than done. Energy & pain are my biggest struggles, this is why I'm here because this gives me energy. Love you guys! >**Coming Up** >- More kitty cam >- More walks >- More gaming >- More Dance parties "I like to move it move it!" >- Always monitoring earthquakes >- More baking this winter >- Kitty WoW: (Woman of the Word) Scripture Readings. I need to find a consistent time for this. Watch this space! >- **NEW** Curious Kitty Quiz Show "Where you get at least 9 lives" I think... > > >*Disclaimer*: I am not a Dj by any stretch of the imagination, I think I described myself as a closet Dj, but I just like to listen to good music that gives me energy, and like to share it with y'all! lol (I don't normally say y'all, but hanging with my American mates here, it's rubbed off on me) hehehehe!
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Use your Bits or Channel points to: >-play funny sounds >-Text to AI speech in chat >-get kitties to react, play >-or just to give some love >**KittyCat Commands** >Use your **Channel Points** (KitCoin) to: >- Hydrate kitty >- Give kitty Treats >- Challenge kitty with a game of Rock Paper Scissors (in chat instructions when you play) >Other kitties react from conversations in chat and from subs, music, so say hello when you pop in!
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>- Show love and kindness to everyone >- Don't judge others, this is a "no-judgement zone" >- No spamming >- Keep things positive and light >- Respect people's capacity to help or inability to help you with your problems, most people aren't professional counsellors. I have provided links to support you if you need it. >- We are here to Have FUN!
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>- I love my heavenly Father >- I love kitties! >- I love falling asleep watching old movies on the weekend with the kitties >- I love the aroma of fresh brewed coffee anytime of the day >- I love kitties >- I love music that gives me energy >- I love dancing >- I love to laugh >- I love exploring new and old trails because they change with time >- I love renewing my treasures with a new fabric, a sand, some gilding or paint >- I love fresh baked bread >- I love freshly washed hair >- I love soft fluffy towels >- I love pink, blue, and sage green >- I love hanging out with my seismic friends on DutchsinseOfficial monitoring Earthquakes >- I love Rocking out with the many great Djs on Twitch & with the Ron from NZ, always has great music and entertainment >- I love Gaming >- I love Learning >- I love sharing >- I love tasty, healthy dishes >- I love all kinds of good music, Dance, House, Soul, RnB, Drum & Bass, Aussie, French, Jazz, Movie Tunes, Classical, Gospel, depending on the mood
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>I'd like to give credit to **DUTCHSINSE** from [*DutchsinseOfficial Twitch*]( + [*Dutchsinse YouTube*]( for all the work behind the **Arrows** which depicts the progression of energy across the globe. I don't always show the globe with that view because I like the pretty blue night time one. But just for the times I do show it. Cheers! >Also credit to [*@suearrows*]( for designing the [arrows file]( for Earthquake 3D. > > >I would also like to thank [Brainstormwarning]( whose tech knowledge has helped me to get some of the hard stuff working like the 3D globe, and is also one of my wonderful Mods who kicks bot butt!

Help & Other Resources

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>If you are feeling out of sorts to completely distressed, please don't put it off. Your body was built to alert you when something is wrong, trust that, and you can address the cause. Please find some helpful links here below under Resources; and for my fellow Aussies, the links can provide online help and referral services. But most important of all, look after yourself and give yourself a break if you need it. Your health is the most important thing you have! >I will discuss PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and depression (*Only if asked*) because although we have so many organisations supporting us, we are still being misunderstood. I don't have all the answers, but will share what works /doesn't work for me and provide a Christian perspective. >- [*Help: Resources for Our Twitch Community*]( & [*Australian Links*](