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Hey my name is Kat, I'm new to streaming, i'm pretty crazy so come hang out and chat and me... dying...A lot...

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Hey guys, thank you for looking at my channel :D I'm Kat or Kitty or Kitty Kat, I'll answer to any haha! I am a bit of a crazy cat lady who has been gaming for years starting off with the sega mega drive. I love Marvel, anime, tattoos, disney, gaming and so much more that the list could go on forever haha, but anything you want to know about me, please feel free to ask :) I'm definitely not the best at games and will probably (definitely) end up dying a lot, but i'll do it with a smile on my face haha. I am new to streaming and i do have confidence issues so please bare with me while i find my stride and settle into this epic journey that i'm starting out on :)
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My first goal is to hit affiliate, when I hit this goal I will make sure to do a special celebratory stream (though I am awful at coming up with ideas, so any suggestions on what you would like to see will be very welcome) My second Goal is to not just build a community, but build a family and to support other streamers with their goals. Together we can build kitty monuments :D
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I'm pretty chilled but I do have some basic rules in place just to make sure everyone has a good time in my stream :) 1. Please keep it respectful, I know everyone can have a different opinion but there's no need to get out of hand with it and ruin the experience for others. 2. Back Seating, I don't mind being offered help and advice, but please refrain from doing so until I ask for the help or advice. 3. Mods, My mods are here to help keep the stream fun and respectful for everyone, if they deem that you have done something to violate the stream rules then they will have my full support. 4. Self Promotion, Myself and my mods will post shout outs to fellow streamers as i'm all for supporting others, but please don't come into my stream and start spamming self promotion links. 4. Please no game shaming, I play the game how I feel and enjoy exploring the game and getting the most out of it, as previously stated, i'm not the best and there will be many times where I will end up dying :P
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I tend to play a variety of games and usually go with what takes my fancy on a particular day. Currently I'm playing Genshin Impact as well as Assassins Creed Valhalla and a bit of Tomb Raider
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Please check out my Mods and show them some Kitty love, they put a lot of their own time into helping out and supporting the stream and they also stream some awesome content too :D Silver - [twitch]( J - [twitch]( Goku - [twitch](
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I've set up a discord server for The Kitty House where you can come and chat about pretty much anything as well as being able to see and support when fellow streamers go live, as part of my goal I would love to be able to build a family as well as a community. I also have an instagram where I post some of my photography as well as lots of pictures of Kitties haha! [discord]( [Instagram](
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Donations are never asked for, however they are very much appreciated and go along way to improving the stream quality