Profile banner for kizmmit



don't forget, you're here forever

Panel Content
ironically playing games on stream to zero viewers i used to competitively play a lot of multiplayer games overwatch - top 500 s1 cs:go - global elite valorant - diamond 3 dota 2 - 4800 mmr/ divine 1 wow - duelist arena, top 0.5% m+ player osu - peak rating 40k, 3500pp **fav anime:** hxh, haikyuu, fma:b **fav music artist:** daft punk, porter robinson, nujabes ****
Panel Content
**rules** keep it wholesome no slurs, racism etc no politics or political baiting have fun!!! audio alert channel point rewards are disabled during tournament streams
Panel Content
If you want to donate, tts enabled **speedrun times** sm64 16star: 24:55