Profile banner for kkittenns



hi. i like cats and playing video games. let's be friends.

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hi i'm lily. i have an unhealthy obsession with my cats, video games, anime, my 2019 WRX STi and Rick & Morty.
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+ World of Warcraft + MTG: Arena + Divinity: Original Sin II + Dead by Daylight + Witch It + World of Warcraft + Sea of Thieves + Risk of Rain 2 + Roller Coaster Tycoon + Diablo + World of Warcraft + Spoopy Horror Games + Casual Indie Games + Hentai Crush + World of Warcraft ... Classic
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Monday / Wednesday - 6:30pm EST Tuesday / Thursday - 9:30pm EST Sunday - 12pm EST
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completely intolerant of racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, bullying, animal abuse, toxicity and ignorance. be kind. be understanding. be human.
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i stream **Dance With The Dead** exclusively for my streams. if you enjoy what you hear, make sure you go check them out on [Spotify]( n tell them how badass they are.
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sometimes i like to dabble in the graphical arts. need some graphics done? hit a girl up.