Profile banner for knightlycreations



Modern Clothing, Jewelry, and Accessories with an Ancient Flair

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**No events at this time** Know of an event I should be part of? Send me a whisper and let me know!
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**Retired. No longer streaming. Discord Active** Hi! My name is Jason, I am an avid chainmailler and love to share what I do with other people. I have been chainmailling since the summer of 2007. I started in jewelry and have since broadened my adventures to that of clothing, accessories, and cute little desk ornaments (dragons and owls). You might see a little bit of leatherworking, sewing, and gaming depending on what the world is doing at the time. I hope to share the progress in with projects I make with you and, ideally, convince you to join in my passion or help me empty my house of my creations. I love to teach other people so I am glad to do a show-along. Do not be afraid of hopping on just to say high, ask for help with a pattern, ask questions, and give suggestions.
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On vacation from July 28 - Aug 14. ## Monday at 6pm EST - Chainmaille ## Thursday at 6pm EST - Chainmaille *There will be occasional game stream of No Man's Sky or Doom Eternal*
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>"The Code is more what you call guidelines than actual rules" You ever notice how most rules are made because someone did something stupid and now everyone must be warned not to put their toaster in the bath? Well, these are the list of guidelines created because someone was dumb. Do NOT post links to your shop unless requested. *Last guideline was made 16 September 2021.*
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**Bits:** Bits are a great way to show me what I'm doing right! Plus you can get funny sounds to play. **Subscribe:** Subscribing through Twitch is a great way to show support through the platform that you are already on but also get a little something back yourself. **Donations or Tips**: Donations and tips through [streamlabs]( **Stuff:** No, I am not looking for stuff but I want you to buy stuff! Contribute to the stream but get a little shiny in return by stopping by the [Etsy Shop](