Profile banner for koik0



Just your average gamer. I’m usually grinding Overwatch but I play all sorts of stuff. Anything competitive is my shit. Follow my twitter @koik02 to support the channel!

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Check out my Youtube channel for stream highlight videos and any other content I decide to put out!
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Hello! Welcome to my channel. My name is Chris but I go by Koios or Koik0 online. My go to game is definitely Overwatch, but I'm nearly always playing variety to cool off from the competitive experience. I'm all about connecting with others through games so make sure to drop a comment in chat, I would love to interact with you. I hope you enjoy your stay!
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If you want to support the channel monetarily, feel free to donate by clicking the DONATE banner! If you would like your message to pop up on screen make sure to donate at least $1.00. Thanks for your support!
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Follow me on twitter for stream updates by clicking the TWITTER banner! It will help guide new people to the stream and expand our community!