Profile banner for kooolmodee



Welcome to The Laugh House. Lets put a Smile on that face. Joke of the Week: Want to hear a joke about construction? I'm still working on it!

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WELCOME TO THE LAUGH HOUSE!!! Preferred Name: Koool or J Affiliate: 4/25/19 Partner:??? Favorite Games: Megaman Series (both normal and X) God of War Persona 5 Royal Devil May Cry Resident Evil Series Silent Hill Series Final Fantasy 7,8,9,10 Favorite Game Ost's: Persona 5 Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy X Mega Man X Mega Man X4 Besides video games I voice act and make art. You may catch me on stream doing this once in a while but I've been professionally doing it for a couple of years now and working to make it full time :)
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-[18+] community so with that said if you write your age and do not meet age requirements you will be banned. -Keep it positive. I want to be a support system for all so if you feel you have to vent about something I am hear to listen but please ask before doing it on stream. There is a venting safe space in discord where we can dive deep off stream open to all :) -Be respectful to each other. I cannot stress this enough. I AM BIG ON RESPECT. -NO PREJUDICE OR RACISM OF ANY KIND -SEXISM/ HARASSMENT OF ANYONE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED -No backseat gaming unless asked. I like to think im pretty smart so lemme try at least. I will ask for help if im really at the point where im stuck. -No Spoilers -No talk of Religion or Politics -Ask a Mod before posting a link -Please do not Self Promote - Be Yourself! I love meeting new people and so does my community. As long as you come respectful and be yourself I guarantee you will make some amazing friends here. The Major rule of the channel... COME TO SMILE!! :)
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Below is a link to sound bites for the stream: Subs Only: !voices !run !scare Everyone: !bitch !dramatic !respect !james !knockedout !yea !captain !load !rev !matter !stupid !quicker !surprise !screen
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CashApp - $Kooolmodee or Click on the Banner to Donate. Bits, donations, and gifts are not required but appreciated! Everything provided will be pumped right back into the stream.
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