


I am engineer who has been playing games in all forms (primarily video games, board games, and card games) since I was a kid in the late 1980s. While I enjoy a variety of games my favorite are RPGs (Role Playing Games).

Audio Credits

Mosin Sound Clip provided courtesy of [Gunnerrh](https://www.twitch.tv/gunnerrh)! If you want to know the story behind the clip please follow him and ask him about it during his stream. ^_^ The Clockwork Dolls music provided courtesy of [The Clockwork Dolls](https://www.theclockworkdolls.com/). If you enjoy it, then please check out their website for links to their social media for news updates and sites where you can support them by purchasing their music.

Channel Artwork

The stream layout and frames I worked on myself. My new emotes, icons, and badges were created by [Eurimeed](https://twitter.com/eurimeed)! You can click her name to see her twitter account (or find her in the streamers of note panel for a link to her twitch page). She creates super adorable art and might be open for commissions (depending on how busy her life is) if you like what you see.

About Myself

I am engineer who has been playing games in all forms (primarily video games, board games, and card games) since I was a kid in the late 1980s. While I enjoy a variety of games my favorite are RPGs (Role Playing Games). While I see a lot of gaming sites, I do not see as many that really dig into why we play games or what we learn from games (though the few that do, such as [Extra Credits](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCODtTcd5M1JavPCOr_Uydg), are great and I highly recommend them). My goal is to explore why I like RPGs (and to a lesser extent games in general), what the cultural impact has been, and anything else that I think is worth mentioning.

About This Channel

I want to eventually begin playing through RPGs, both new and old, but with a more critical mind. I also plan to play more casually with friends to just unwind and have a good time. I want to host pen and paper RPG sessions as well and have discussions with others about the nature of RPGs and gaming in general. I will attempt to use different header notifications so that as a viewer you are informed on the intent of the stream.

Channel Rules

Actively observe "Wheaton's Law": Don't be a dick. Humor and sarcasm are fine, but if you are coming across as malicious then you will be asked to leave. While I encourage intelligent discussion, and the potential for learning and self discovery that brings, at the end of the day we are all here to have fun. It makes me a little sad that I even need to post this, but it is better to make sure everyone has realistic expectations. If the game title is tagged [FIRST PLAYTHROUGH - NO SPOILERS] then please do not offer tips or post spoiler information. Otherwise feel free to offer advice or discuss future portions of the game. Ask before linking. I do not foresee a problem for most cases but would still prefer to keep things under control. ***DO NOT*** post links to anything NSFW.

Channel Schedule

The best way to stay updated is to follow me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/KosmosRPG), [Discord](https://discord.gg/ppnufXnbe3), or this channel. All will send out messages when I go live and I will post updates if life events affect planned streams. ***Schedule currently in a flux. I do not currently have a regular streaming time. However, I stream most regularly Monday through Friday late afternoon into early evening US Eastern Time Zone.*** Games Currently in Rotation: Final Fantasy Series Fire Emblem Series Dragon's Dogma World of Warcraft Vampire the Masquerade


At the request of some of my fantastic supporters I now have a tip jar. Right now it is relatively basic. I will work on spicing things up as I improve. Please note that I do not expect anything in return for my streaming. I do this because I enjoy spreading joy and love to others through gaming. Then again, how can you say no to that face? If you would like to leave a tip any amount is appreciated. It will all go towards upgrading my streaming equipment unless otherwise specified (such as a charity event stream). Thank you very much! [Tip Jar](https://twitch.streamlabs.com/KosmosRPG)

Completed Games

***Games that I have finished on stream:*** Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds Shadowrun: Dragonfall Shadowrun: Hong Kong Borderlands Borderlands 2 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Invisible, Inc. Final Fantasy Final Fantasy X X-COM 1 & 2 The Technomancer Knights of the Old Republic Uncharted 1 & 2 Mass Effect Trilogy Psychonauts Fable Final Fantasy Tactics Battletech Jade Empire Gitaroo Man Super Mario RPG The Legen of Zelda: A Link to the Past The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Astral Chain Collection of Mana Trials of Mana Chrono Trigger Chrono Cross Fire Emblem: Three Houses Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance ***Games I have played on stream, but not finished:*** Wasteland 2 Jet Set Radio! (Dreamcast) Clandestine Divinity: Original Sin The Secret World Final Fantasy XIV Dragon's Dogma World of Warcraft ***I also play these games, which do not really end:*** StarCraft 1&2 Diablo 2&3 Payday 2 C&C Various Worms Various Overwatch Civilization 5 & 6 Stardew Valley Rock Band 4 Heroes of Hammerwatch Slay the Spire Enter the Gungeon Hunt: Showdown Is there a game you want to see me play that is already in the completed list? You are probably out of luck, but do not despair. I occasionally do special event streams and will revisit things. Do you think I will like a game that I haven't completed yet? Feel free to suggest it on stream and I will research it for potential future playing.

Streamers of Note

I recommend checking out the following streamers as well. These are people that I actively follow and look forward to seeing online: [Grammaton_Dryad](https://www.twitch.tv/grammaton_dryad): Plays a variety of games and has the unique ability to turn even a terrible game into an entertaining experience. I found him by chance one day searching for KOTOR streamers and he introduced me to some of my greatest supporters. He is a great guy and my favorite streamer on twitch. He also has the unique ability to super lurk and follow multiple live streams simultaneously, something I have yet to master. My most memorable conversations on twitch have been in his stream chat or involved him in my own stream chat. [Dorian_D](https://www.twitch.tv/dorian_d): Dorian is one of the more recent people I met, and arguably the most "successful" so far that I know. What I like about Dorian is that he got where he is while fostering a community of supportive and positive people that can have discourse with each other while remaining respectful. He is a great guy with a great community and the model of the kind of community I want to help create more of online. [Bunbarian](https://www.twitch.tv/bunbarian/): A streamer that has recently been playing some of my favorite RPGs for the first time. Her expressions are great and she goes out of her way to ensure that her viewers feel appreciated. A must see streamer if you want a wholesome feel good experience with some sporadic mature content. [Eurimeed](https://www.twitch.tv/eurimeed): Eurimeed is an interactive streamer who plays a variety of games and a lot of co-op. Her icon is an adorable dinosaur and the dinosaur heart emote is worth the price of admission alone. Thankfully you also get a great upbeat person along with it. [TheOddJoe](https://www.twitch.tv/theoddjoe): Another variety streamer who always takes the time to interact with chat and ensure that everyone feels welcome and appreciated. Recently he has been playing through classic RPGs and having a ton of fun. He also has funny break videos and alerts. Drop a Sub bomb in his chat and everyone gets Bustin! [Frenkinstein](https://www.twitch.tv/frenkinstein): A predominantly Hunt: Showdown streamer, though he does occasionally do other things like Sea of Thieves. He is a positive person whose streams are generally low key, chill, and don't take themselves too seriously. If you just want a fun place to hang out with an engaging community he is a great person to check out.