Profile banner for kpnutz87



Girl that loves pretty much any game that involves a gun (as well as others occasionally) Girls rock at games!!!! Started streaming to see what all the hype is about......and got affiliated!!!!! HELL YEAH!!! I stream whenever I can. Hope you enjoy the streams guys and gals!!!! TTFN!!!

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I'm a gal that loves video games. That's all you need to know. LOL! I will be streaming most days (UK times) around my work varies unfortunately!!!! Follow me on social media to get notifications when I'm streaming!! If you enjoy my streams then please follow and share my page!!!
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Come join the discord server and get to know everyone! I am starting to be more active as of late, and will be starting Community nights for certain games that will require the use of discord (Game chat sucks). Click the image to join The Nut House!!
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Follow me on Twitter for information of stream times and all the amazing gossip.
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Donations are not expected, but are greatly appreciated!!! They will go directly towards my streaming system!! I finally have my PC setup now, but am still saving for a few things to better my stream quality. *All Donations Are Non-refundable
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It's Free!!!! If you like my content you can now Sub for free with Twitch Prime!!!!!! Hit the subscribe button at the top of the page and see if you have one available!!!
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