Profile banner for krimma_kree



Actor, Costumer, Hardcore Gamer

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Yooo! My name is Jay, I'm 26, and I'm from Alabama! I'm an actor and a costumer, but the free time I do have goes to playing games (video and board), watching Netflix and anime, and currently learning magic tricks! Want to know more?? Just ask me in the chat!
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You can send me messages that will show up on the stream for free, while still supporting me! A small, silent, ad will play and then your message will appear on screen! This way, everyone can see your funny/amazing message, and it doesn't cost you a dime!
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Tips are not required, but they are very appreciated! Tips help me improve the channel and dedicate more time to you guys! For sanity's sake and whatnot, tips are non-refundable!
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If you're enjoying my stream, make sure to hit that follow button so you can get notified when I stream and be a part of the Krispy Krew! If you want to go Even further, you can subscribe to my channel!
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- Enjoy yourself and the stream - Don't be a jerk - No racism/sexism/ableism
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At the current moment, my schedule is a little wack! I try to stream at least once or twice a week. I'm currently working 2 jobs that have me going constantly!
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